There was a time when women were considered delicate creatures, and the way they walked, spoke or dressed were all dictated by this sensibility of the society. Thus the Victorian ladies wore white lace gowns and blue brocade dresses – the colors that were considered womanly. Black was the color for widows. Only the older and more powerful woman dared flaunt black in those times.

Even today, in literature and theatre, the powerful and dangerous female characters wear black. From Charlie’s Angels to Cat Woman, all superwoman icons of this decade are shown wearing black. Moreover, women definitely look much better than men in black.

The choice of women’s black dress is more varied and versatile then men. As Red Carpet occasions show repeatedly that there is no dearth to what you can do with black. From Liz Hurley’s sizzling safety pinned black gown that launched her career to Julia Robert’s elegant halter neck creation, which she wore to her first Oscar, black dresses are at the top of all time fashion for woman.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3927986